(NewsSpace.com) – Dick Van Dyke is 98 years old and still going strong. He’s already long past the average lifespan, which is 77.5 years in the United States, per the CDC. In a recent interview, the actor discussed what he thinks his secret is to a long life.
In a joint interview with his wife, Arlene Silver, the actor, who remains spry even at his advanced age, discussed why he thinks he’s lived so long and remained so healthy. He said that although he “can’t figure [it] out” he revealed that he has “always exercised.” In fact, Van Dyke says he and his wife “still go to the gym three days a week and work out,” which he believes is “the secret.”
“Most people at 98 years old don’t really feel like working out, and they seize up,” Van Dyke says, but not him. He attributes his regular exercise to being able to move well and notes that he does not watch his diet at all.
Van Dyke and Silver also discussed their relationship. Silver is the first woman the actor professes to have ever approached, and he says he didn’t realize that she was much younger than him initially when he met her backstage at the SAG Awards in 2006. There is a 46-year age gap between the two.
Though Van Dyke was taken with her beauty, the couple didn’t start dating right away, but instead formed a close friendship that grew into more. They married in 2012. Silver says her husband is “always happy and just positive,” another attribute Van Dyke says keeps him healthy and strong. To this day, Silver loves that he is “just the most joyful person” who encourages everyone else to be the same way.
Van Dyke has enjoyed an illustrious career that has spanned 70 years. He will likely always be best known for his role as the chimney sweep, Bert, in “Mary Poppins,” where his playful attitude is on display.
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