About News Space

Looking for a news source that values honesty, truth, and fair reporting? Tired of the slanted stories pushed by the mainstream media? At News Space, unbiased journalism is as important to us as it is to you. Join us for trustworthy reporting from a team that values ethical journalism.

Where We Stand

News should be well-researched, well-rounded and objective. It should examine the world’s latest events through a lens of truth-seeking curiosity. Too many news publications have abandoned the true meaning of journalism in recent years. That’s why we’re here.

A Hardworking, Dedicated News Team

Day after day, the dedicated members of our team scour the latest news stories in order to find the nuggets of truth. Then, we can deliver that truth straight to you–no bias, just facts. Like you, we understand how deeply important it is to not only find trustworthy news sources to draw from, but also to be able to recognize truth in reporting when we analyze the news ourselves.

Our team of writers and editors is committed to bringing you clear, easy-to-understand journalism. We report in such a way that you can get the full context of a story without any guesswork. The ability to decide where we stand on an issue is important to us, just like it is to you. We’re here to equip you with the information you need so you can take your own stance and form an opinion for yourself. We will never undermine your ability to think critically.

What You Can Expect from News Space Stories

Here at News Space, you can expect us to cover important news stories with integrity and fairness. We publish Notables and Spotlights on a regular basis. If you’d like to know what you can expect from each category, read on.


Notables are reports that cover breaking and developing stories from the U.S. and beyond. Our team is honored to monitor the pulse of news from around the world, delivering to you the pressing stories you need to form opinions and make informed choices.

These stories are crafted for maximum, easy understanding so you can quickly get an update on what’s happening in the world, then go about your routine. We do the heavy lifting so you can stay in the know, wherever you are.


Spotlights feature expanded topics centered around news, politics, the global and U.S. economies, and much more. Alongside Notables, we publish Spotlights regularly to draw your attention to a particular, notable issue or event.

It can be a challenge to know where to focus when news is breaking all around you. We focus on publishing stories that pack a punch and help you go about your day well informed.

Contact Our Team Today

Keep an eye on News Space for regular news updates from us. If you have a news tip you’d like to share, or would just like to send feedback, you can send a message to contact(at)newsspace.com. We look forward to hearing from you!

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Glendale, CA 91205
