Chicago Businesses Take Unprecedented Security Steps Ahead Of DNC

Chicago Businesses Take Unprecedented Security Steps Ahead Of DNC

Chicago businesses are fortifying their defenses as the Democratic National Convention looms, with memories of past unrest fueling a cautious approach to security.

At a Glance

  • The Democratic National Convention begins Monday in Chicago, drawing an estimated 50,000 attendees
  • Businesses are taking extra precautions, including boarding up windows and hiring additional security
  • Heightened security measures extend beyond convention venues into downtown areas
  • More than half a dozen protests are expected during the four-day event
  • City officials emphasize preparedness and commitment to public safety

Businesses Brace for Potential Unrest

As Chicago prepares to host the Democratic National Convention (DNC) from Monday to Thursday, local businesses are taking no chances when it comes to security. With the memory of past disturbances still fresh, many establishments are boarding up windows, hiring extra security personnel, and developing emergency response plans.

The convention, set to take place at the United Center and McCormick Place, is expected to draw around 50,000 attendees, including delegates, guests, and 15,000 journalists. While the event promises to be a significant political gathering, it also raises concerns about potential protests and unrest.

Extensive Security Measures in Place

Chicago authorities have implemented comprehensive security measures to ensure public safety during the convention. The United Center on the Near West Side is heavily fortified with fencing, trucks, and a strong police presence. Security will be heightened not only around the convention venues but also in 50 neighborhoods across the city.

“Our plan is to make sure we keep everyone within the city safe. We want this to be successful,” said Chicago Police Superintendent Larry Snelling.

The security perimeter extends well beyond the convention sites. Residents and businesses along the Magnificent Mile and Gold Coast have reported unexpected security gates and road closures. In the Loop, security gates appeared overnight at the Dirksen Federal Building to prevent potential vandalism.

Protests and Potential Disruptions

More than half a dozen protests are expected during the convention, with major demonstrations scheduled for Monday, Wednesday, and Thursday. These events, organized by various social justice groups, have raised concerns among downtown business owners about potential looting and property damage.

“If you feel you’re in any type of line where you feel there’s going to be a lot of commotion—we’re not pushing it—we’re hoping the city will be comfortable and there won’t be any unrest. But if you feel you want your doors boarded, it’s better to have them boarded up than have to wait and replace glass,” said business manager Vicki Fichter.

Adding to the tension, activists are engaged in a legal battle with the city over protest permits, with restrictions on stages and sound equipment. An emergency hearing has allowed for a stage and speaker system, but with a shorter protest route.

City Officials Stress Preparedness

Chicago officials emphasize that the city is better prepared than it was in 2020, with extra police training and additional law enforcement officers from across the state. The goal is to avoid a repeat of the 1968 convention violence, infamously known as the “Battle of Michigan Avenue.”

“We’re ready to go,” assured Police Superintendent Snelling, highlighting the city’s commitment to managing the event successfully while maintaining public safety.

As Chicago braces for the spotlight of the Democratic National Convention, the balance between security and the right to peaceful protest remains a delicate one. With businesses taking precautions and authorities on high alert, the city aims to showcase its ability to host a major political event while keeping its streets safe and open for commerce.

