Greta Thunberg Faces Backlash Amid Allegations of Antisemitism

Greta Thunberg Faces Backlash Amid Allegations of Antisemitism

Greta Thunberg, once celebrated for her climate activism, now faces accusations of antisemitism from a prominent watchdog organization.

At a Glance

  • named Greta Thunberg “Antisemite of the Week”
  • Thunberg participated in anti-Israel protests and called for cutting ties with Israel
  • She posted a controversial image perceived as antisemitic, later apologizing for misunderstanding
  • Israeli authorities removed Thunberg from school curriculums due to her stance
  • Thunberg co-authored an op-ed accusing Israel of genocide in Gaza

From Climate Activist to Controversial Figure

Greta Thunberg, who rose to global prominence in 2018 for her school climate strikes, has recently found herself at the center of a different kind of controversy., a grassroots watchdog organization founded in 2018 to combat antisemitism, has labeled Thunberg as their “Antisemite of the Week.” This designation comes in the wake of Thunberg’s involvement in anti-Israel protests and her public statements regarding the ongoing conflict in Gaza.

The organization, known for its efforts to expose individuals and groups that incite hatred towards Jewish people and the State of Israel, has a history of naming public figures as “Antisemite of the Year.” Previous recipients include Congresswoman Rashida Tlaib in 2023, rapper Kanye West in 2022, and Congresswoman Ilhan Omar in 2019. StopAntisemitism’s actions often lead to real-world consequences for those they expose, including job losses and school expulsions.

Thunberg’s Controversial Actions

Thunberg’s shift from environmental advocacy to involvement in the Israeli-Palestinian conflict has been marked by several incidents. In October 2023, she posted a now-deleted Instagram message calling for a ceasefire and support for Palestinians. This was followed by her participation in protests against Israel’s involvement in the Eurovision contest in Malmo, Sweden, which led to her arrest by Swedish police.

Perhaps most controversially, Thunberg was filmed chanting “crush Zionism” at a rally, a statement that has been widely criticized as going beyond legitimate criticism of Israeli policies and veering into antisemitic territory. In response to the backlash, Thunberg co-authored an op-ed in which she and her collaborators accused Israel of committing genocide against Palestinians in Gaza.

Repercussions and Reactions

The fallout from Thunberg’s actions has been significant. Israeli environmentalists expressed disappointment in her stance, and the Israeli Education Ministry took the drastic step of removing all mentions of Thunberg from school curriculums. This decision underscores the extent to which Thunberg’s recent activism has overshadowed her previous work on climate change in the eyes of many.

Jewish groups have reported an increase in antisemitic incidents following the October 7 Hamas attack on Israel, adding context to the sensitivity surrounding Thunberg’s statements. The conflict has resulted in significant casualties, with Hamas reporting over 16,000 deaths in Gaza due to Israel’s counteroffensive.

A Divisive Figure

Thunberg’s transition from a universally admired climate activist to a divisive political figure highlights the complexities of global activism. Her case raises questions about the responsibilities of public figures when addressing complex geopolitical issues and the fine line between criticism of state policies and antisemitism.

As the debate continues, it’s clear that Thunberg’s actions have had far-reaching consequences, not only for her personal reputation but also for the broader climate movement she once led. The controversy serves as a reminder of the volatile nature of public discourse surrounding the Israeli-Palestinian conflict and the potential for activists to become embroiled in issues far beyond their original cause.

