Authorities Report An Explosive Detonated Outside The Alabama Attorney General’s Office

( – On Friday, February 16, the Alabama Supreme Court ruled that frozen embryos were considered “extrauterine children,” setting off a firestorm of reactions. While some were happy with the ruling, many considered it extremely controversial. Just over a week later, there was a detonation outside Alabama Attorney General Steve Marshall’s office, leading some to believe the two incidents are related.

On February 24, around 8 a.m., Alabama authorities were notified about a suspicious package located between Washington Avenue and South Bainbridge Street. It was later determined to have held the explosive. Two days later, AG Marshall released a statement about the incident, saying, “Thankfully, no staff or personnel were injured by the explosion.” The Alabama Law Enforcement Agency is investigating the incident.

While authorities have not disclosed any motive yet, some believe there is a link between the state Supreme Court ruling and the detonation. The device went off the day after Marshall said he had no intention of using the decision “as a basis for prosecuting IVF families or providers.”

The decision was centered on two wrongful death cases after the plaintiffs brought lawsuits against a facility for an accident that resulted in the destruction of embryos stored there, citing Alabama’s Wrongful Death of a Minor Act. The state ruled that the embryos were to be considered children. In the wake of that ruling, several clinics have stopped offering the service, and many who have the embryos in storage are seeking options to move them to another out-of-state facility.

The decision also raised a host of questions, particularly surrounding liability if a clinic disposes of embryos, even at the patients’ request. The issue is likely to be one that both parties focus on as the upcoming election looms. Republicans, including former President Donald Trump, were quick to respond with their support of IVF, and Democrats have promised to make it a huge part of their platform.

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