Combat Veteran Ejected From Nursing Home in Favor of Immigrants

( – The border crisis has been a contentious issue for quite some time now. Migrants have been seeking asylum in various cities across the United States, including New York City, where Mayor Eric Adams (D) is getting frustrated at the situation. He’s not the only one, though. A 95-year-old war veteran recently lost his home because of the crisis.

Frank Tammaro, a Korean War veteran, recently told his story about how the assisted living facility that he called home gave him minimal notice to move out. The reason? To house migrants. Tammaro said there were rumblings before it happened, but residents at Island Shores had very little notice — approximately six weeks — to find other accommodations. For those who need the special services an assisted living facility offers, it can be a tedious search.

While Tammaro thought he was going to end up on the streets, fortunately, he did not. He said his daughter helped him avoid such an ordeal.

The veteran met up with Rep. Nicole Malliotakis (R-NY) to discuss the situation at a press conference on Monday, October 2. He said he was “annoyed” at how it went down and that “it was very disgraceful what they did to the people” in the facility.

Adams has butted heads with the Biden Administration over the handling of the migrants, saying New York City is “at capacity” and continuing to send immigrants to the Big Apple will only lead to the city’s destruction. His stance is a notable departure from that of the Democratic Party.

The NYC mayor is currently on a trip that’s scheduled to last four days and include visits to Ecuador, Mexico, and Colombia, where he’s expected to tell migrants not to come to his city. The Big Apple is currently receiving approximately 600 asylum seekers daily, and people like Tammaro are losing their homes because of it.

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