Concerns About the Impact of AI on the 2024 Election Are Growing

( – The rise of artificial intelligence (AI) has had a significant impact over the past few months, as more industries have begun to embrace its capabilities. However, it still poses a threat in some ways. Now, experts are cautioning that it could have a significant impact on the 2024 election, and there’s reason to be concerned.

The 2024 presidential election is nearly a year away, but that hasn’t stopped the emergence of worries about how big of a part AI will play. With the ability to create realistic-looking photos and videos with stunningly accurate audio of someone’s voice, it could change the landscape of politics. Lisa Bryant, who chairs California State University Fresno’s Department of Political Science, thinks “it could get pretty dark,” according to The Hill.

Americans are also worried about the possibility of misinformation and disinformation campaigns swinging votes toward a particular candidate and, more significantly, sowing distrust in the overall outcome of the election itself. Two recent polls from UChicago Harris/AP-NORC and Morning Consult-Axios both showed the level of concern citizens have, with the latter pointing out that the majority (60%) believe misinformation will play a part in determining the winner.

This isn’t a new worry, either. Senator Richard Blumnethal (D-CT) is one who expressed his fear, putting it at level 10 when it comes to “potential abuses for impersonation, false visual images, deepfakes, and voice cloning,” he told Fox News back in June. Republican Senators Josh Hawley (MO) and JD Vance (OH) also expressed similar worries.

It seems their fears are founded. Florida Governor Ron DeSantis (R) has already used AI in his campaign, as has his main rival for the primary nomination, former President Donald Trump. With no regulations on how it’s used, it could prove to be a real issue that Americans have to contend with when it comes to selecting the new commander-in-chief.

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