Fetterman Under Fire for Having Hamas Captive Posters in His Office

(NewsSpace.com) – It’s been over a month since Hamas attacked Israel, killing more than 1,400 people. The bloody conflict has only continued, with officials in the Jewish state saying they’re not backing down until the militant group is eradicated. During the midst of the war, US lawmakers have been divided, with many calling for a ceasefire while others say it’s not the right time. One senator seems to keep finding himself the center of attention.

Democratic Senator John Fetterman (PA) has made his stance on the war clear: he supports Israel. He’s also against a ceasefire, something that has drawn ire from his constituents and people all over social media. He recently posted on X, formerly Twitter, a nine-second video showing posters of all the hostages held by Hamas, saying he will not be taking them down until “every single person is safely returned home.” Naturally, the responses were divided.

Many people called out Fetterman for his tone-deafness, asking where the pictures were of the Palestinians killed in the conflict. Others questioned how many of the posted hostages had been killed by Israeli airstrikes.

Notably, there were posts supporting his actions, too. Some thanked him for his commitment to Israel, and others called him a good man for bringing attention to the matter.

There doesn’t seem to be an end in sight for the Hamas-Israel war. Both sides are resisting calls for a ceasefire. Israel also disregarded President Joe Biden’s and Secretary of State, Antony Blinken’s urging for a temporary pause to help bring humanitarian aid to the 140-square-mile Gaza Strip and secure the hostages seized by Hamas.

Israel has turned its focus to Northern Gaza, where Gaza City is, and is perpetrating air and ground strikes, causing thousands of civilians to flee for their lives. According to The Associated Press, the death toll in Palestine has exceeded 10,000, with more than 4,000 of those casualties being children.

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