Following a Bizarre Mishap, a Kansas Teen Was Impaled by Pliers

( – Experts warn that it’s a good idea to be cautious when shoveling snow. It’s a strenuous activity that can have serious health effects, including heart attacks. There are also freak accidents that take place, too, much like the one Jeremy Renner experienced last New Year’s Day. A Kansas teenager recently had to have surgery to remove pliers from his body after a slip and fall while he was out shoveling.

On January 20, 15-year-old Joey Zeman was shoveling outside his home in WaKeeney after a recent snowfall when he slipped and fell on ice. At the time, he had pliers on him, which he normally carries around due to farmwork he regularly does, and when he got up from the fall, he noticed they were missing. He said he “got up and noticed [his] pliers weren’t in [his] pouch,” but when he “looked down … they were inside” him.

Photos of the tool show that one of the handles was inches deep. Zeman said he tried to pull it out but couldn’t, so he called a friend’s mom to take him to the hospital. When he informed his own mother, she thought he was kidding. The teenager is known for pulling pranks and for avoiding medical care when he’s injured.

It turns out the reason the teen couldn’t pull the pliers out was because the handle was lodged in his bone. Fortunately, it avoided any major organs, and he only had to stay in the hospital for one night. Doctors expect him to make a full recovery.

The teenager is now on crutches as he heals from the ordeal, but he’s not going to let it stop him from continuing to work. He says the next time he shovels, he will take his time, and his mom shared a sage piece of advice: “Just don’t carry pliers on the ice.”

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