Generation Z, Millennials Upending Workplace Communication

( – When new generations enter the workforce, they undoubtedly have an impact on how things are run, especially when they work their way up the chain. Millennials and Gen Zers are, like their predecessors, making their voices heard in terms of what they expect from an employer—and it’s upending everything from years past.

Focus on Mental Health

One of the main aspects that the younger generations like to focus on is mental health, an issue that has largely been ignored in decades past. Now, according to a Deloitte survey, nearly 46% of those polled say they feel stressed or anxious a lot of the time. The majority, 80%, say that an employer’s mental health policies play a large role in whether they consider working for them. And it goes further—56% of respondents agree that employers focusing on this element have improved the workplace. Some are even using FLMA leave for their mental well-being.

However, it’s clear that there are more changes needed since 32% don’t feel comfortable speaking with their manager about any mental health challenges they face.

Other Notable Changes

It’s not just mental health shaping the workforce; Millennials and Gen Zers are also bringing their other habits into the workplace. For example, in the past, many employers considered communications unprofessional if they didn’t include punctuation or if they contained slang language not applicable to the job at hand. Today? Slang or jargon, such as “out of pocket, is not only welcome, it’s appreciated. So are emojis and shorthand text. And most people understand exactly what’s meant. Sometimes the new generations completely ignore traditional punctuation. Older workers should think twice about adding ellipses unless they want to appear passive-aggressive.

Gone are the days of stressing or not feeling guilty about working overtime as well. Now, employees do it if they want to or if they are helping a friend, according to Axios. Another significant change is the willingness to talk about one’s personal life in the workplace, where it was usually verboten or frowned upon. Many people used to keep their personal lives separate from their work lives, but the younger generations are breaking down those walls.

One other notable change is the discussion of money. Where older generations were not amenable to salary sharing, newer generations are. In fact, they do regular audits and analyze the available data to ensure people are paying fairly and not discriminating against other employees for their location, race, or gender.

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