Gorgeous Model and Internet Star is a Disturbing HOAX

(NewsSpace.com) – Artificial intelligence (AI) has found its way into multiple facets of the internet. People can use it to help them write, perform advanced calculations, and even create images. Now, it seems to be breaching even the social media influencer world. One model that has taken the world by storm and gained an incredible amount of followers is none other than an AI creation, and the company behind it says it plans to continue the trend.

Many brands hire social media influencers to help push their products, and they pay handsomely to have it done. The more followers a model has, the more money they bill companies to promote their goods. Modeling agency The Clueless developed Aitana López, a supposed 25-year-old model with pink hair and a toned body. She is regularly seen posing in the latest fashions and promoting haircare products.

The problem is she’s completely AI-generated, and the agency’s founder, Rubén Cruz, says she’s much easier to work with than traditional models. For example, there’s no need for a photo shoot, which cuts back on expenses and eliminates the possibility of a model having extensive demands or a tantrum. Instead, outfit changes and poses are a thing of the past, as it’s all done on the computer. Further, Cruz says the companies that hire the agency are aware that the model is fake.

Yet, the use of AI in this circumstance is just another example of how the technology is taking over multiple sectors. Blue-collar workers already see some form of AI in the robots and machines that do jobs previously carried out by humans, and the white-collar workforce is at risk of AI infiltrating their jobs as well.

There are fierce criticisms, too. An opinion piece in Entrepreneur earlier this year highlighted why the fashion industry shouldn’t be so quick to dismiss humans in favor of virtual creations. For one, they can actually engage with their audience, and for two, it promotes a sense of ethics. However, it remains yet to be seen how far the industry is willing to go with AI and if it’s the next big thing or if it will eventually fade out.

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