House Members Mulling an Expulsion Attempt for Speaker Mike Johnson

( – Republicans have held control over the House of Representatives since the midterm elections, but it hasn’t been easy going for them. The Lower Chamber has been plagued with infighting and leadership issues essentially since they took back control from Democrats. When Speaker Mike Johnson (R-LA) was elected to the leadership position after former Rep. Kevin McCarthy’s (R-CA) ouster, there was hope that things were looking up. Recent reports seem to indicate that it’s just more of the same, and a government shutdown is looming.

Johnson Feeling the Pressure

Johnson was elected House Speaker on October 25, after several voting attempts by Ohio Representative Jim Jordan (R) failed. At first, it seemed as though Johnson was the answer to the Lower Chamber’s issues. Yet, that seems to have gone by the wayside, especially in light of his working with Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer (D-NY) to create a $1.66 trillion deal for top-line spending items. Many, including Rep. Warren Davidson (R-OH), say the deal is a betrayal, and Johnson “has no plans to do anything except surrender,” according to The Wall Street Journal.

To make matters worse, the infighting has now become public fodder. Dissidents are questioning whether Johnson will last and working to block routine business in the Lower Chamber.

This Seems Familiar …

If this seems familiar, there’s a good reason for that. It’s reminiscent of the time McCarthy held speakership and then was ousted after working with Democrats to pass a budget stop-gap measure. Now, the Lower Chamber is still looking to pass a few appropriations bills, but they’re disagreeing on how to do it.

Many Republicans want the border crisis addressed in the spending bills, but they’re not making much ground. With the January 19 date for funding several federal agencies rapidly approaching, they have to pass something or risk the government shutting down. The rest are scheduled to run out of funds as of February 2.

Johnson has now experienced obstacles to running the House’s daily business and has taken to having conversations with his colleagues who are holding out. Others are shocked that the House has once again fallen by the wayside so soon after the debacle with McCarthy.

Several Conservatives have said they have discussed potential changes to the deal Johnson hammered out with Schumer with the House Speaker, but though he has listened, he has not committed to any such changes, nor has he made any pledges to any representatives.

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