Hunter Biden Declines To Provide Public Testimony at the GOP Impeachment Hearing

( – Hunter Biden finally relented and sat down for a closed-door disposition with House lawmakers, where he underwent six-plus hours of questioning relating to his father’s alleged involvement in his son’s business activities. Following that, House Oversight Committee Chair James Comer (R-KY) invited him to provide testimony in a public hearing titled, “Influence Peddling: Examining Joe Biden’s Abuse of Public Office,” which is taking place on March 20. The younger Biden responded through his attorney, declining to appear.

On March 13, Biden’s attorney, Abbe Lowell, sent a letter on behalf of his client to Comer via email declining the congressman’s invitation. He said neither he nor Biden could attend the hearing because of a court appearance the following day across the country. “However,” he said, “[t]he scheduling conflict is the least of the issues.”

Lowell went on to accuse Comer of hosting a “blatant planned-for-media event” that he insisted wasn’t “a proper proceeding” but rather a “carnival side show.” He said that the committee doesn’t have any real evidence, having relied on conspiracies and the word of a former FBI informant, who has since been charged with lying to the federal government.

The attorney then accused Comer of going back on his word, citing a press conference the committee chair hosted on January 10, where he said all the committee needed was “people to come in for the depositions, and then we’ll be finished.” Yet, after Biden appeared, he sent out another invitation.

Comer responded to Lowell’s letter, saying he had simply “called Hunter Biden’s bluff.” After all, he had said he wanted to speak publicly rather than behind closed doors. Now that he has the opportunity, “he is refusing to come.” Comer insisted the hearing would go on as planned.

Three of Hunter Biden’s former associates were also invited to attend the hearing, Tony Bobulinkski, Jason Galanis, and Devon Archer.

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