Kyle Rittenhouse Leaves The Stage After Students Confront Him At University Of Memphis

( – In August 2020, at the height of the Black Lives Matter movement, Kyle Rittenhouse, then 17, shot and killed two men, and injured another. Prosecutors charged him but he was acquitted of the charges against him. Still, he’s remained a controversial figure. Rittenhouse was invited to speak at the University of Memphis but left the stage after students confronted him.

Rittenhouse was at the school at the request of its Turning Point USA chapter to speak on campus. Turning Point USA is a conservative advocacy organization founded by Bill Montgomery and Charlie Kirk that targets young people. Kirk’s association with the group is what prompted students to confront Rittenhouse.

In a video that was posted to X, formerly Twitter, the university students tell Rittenhouse that “Kirk has said a lot of racist things.” He replied, “What racist things has [he] said?” One student spoke up, which prompted Rittenhouse to say, “I don’t know anything about that.” The crowd then booed, loudly.

Rittenhouse refused to comment on whether the comments allegedly made by Kirk were racist. A few seconds later, someone comes up to him and nudges him toward the door. He’s then seen exiting stage left, with his support dog.

Outside the college, there were many protestors holding signs that said things like “No killers on my campus,” and “Put Rittenhouse behind bars, not a podium.” Rittenhouse was on stage for approximately 30 minutes, speaking to a crowd of approximately 50 to 75 people. He denied rushing off stage, saying the event was only slated to last a half hour.

Following the event, Turning Point USA claimed that the college discriminated against them. In a statement on X, Kirk said he would be asking lawmakers in Tennessee to investigate the college. He claims the university might have “colluded with local protestors to sabotage” the event. He also indicated that he might file a lawsuit against the school for “viewpoint discrimination.”

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