NATO Receives Warnings From China And Russia Not To “Provoke Confrontation”

( – On Wednesday, July 10, NATO took a stance against China for the very first time. It warned the Asian nation against supporting Russia in its war against Ukraine and cautioned that there would be consequences for doing so, but it stopped short of naming them. That action provoked China and Russia to respond.

Beijing responded to the statement, saying, “NATO should stop hyping up the so-called China threat and provoking confrontation and rivalry” and instead focus on the larger picture: “world peace and stability.” Further, China’s Foreign Ministry spokesman, Lin Jian, has accused NATO of smearing the country’s name with malicious lies.

A spokesperson for Beijing’s mission to the European Union said that the country has nothing to do with the war in Ukraine and its position on the war-torn country “is open and aboveboard.” Yet, unlike many countries, China has not condemned Russia’s actions in the war and is considered one of its military backers. The US has accused China of selling the technology and equipment Russia needs to keep its production going.

Russia also responded to the alliance, saying that it was apparent that NATO was now fully involved in the war. Former Russian President Dmitry Medvedev chimed in on the matter and said that the only solution for his country is to move forward and either make Ukraine or NATO disappear, but the best solution would be for both to disappear.

Medvedev’s comments were backed by the Kremlin, which said it was planning its “response measures” to prepare for the “very serious threat” the alliance has made. The former Russian president, who was once pro-West, has consistently threatened nuclear war against the US and its allies since the start of the war in Ukraine.

Ukraine, in recent days, has set its sights on Crimea, a part of the country Russia unilaterally annexed in 2014.

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