New Lawsuit Accuses Sean “Diddy” Combs Of Assaulting A College Student In The 1990s

( – Things seem to be going from bad to worse for Sean “Diddy” Combs lately. He was recently accused of assaulting his ex-girlfriend, Casandra “Cassie” Ventura, with whom he settled a lawsuit the day after she filed. Then, several months later, a video surfaced of Combs assaulting Ventura in a hotel hallway back in 2016. There are currently seven lawsuits pending against the music mogul. One of them was filed on May 23, by a woman accusing him of sexually assaulting her in the 1990s.

The latest lawsuit, filed by April Lampros in New York State court, accuses Combs of several charges, including committing a crime of violence motivated by gender, negligent infliction of emotional distress, sexual assault, and battery. In the 22-page complaint, Lampros says she met the rapper in 1994 while she was attending the Fashion Institute of Technology. Initial encounters, she says, were positive with Combs “shower[ing] her [with] gifts and flowers,” but those soon gave way to “four terrifying sexual encounters.”

Lampros accuses Combs of pressuring her to drink at one point in 1995, after which he sexually assaulted her. After he continued to lavish her with gifts, she forgave him and decided to give him another chance. But then she claims he assaulted her once again, this time in front of a parking garage attendant. The third incident took place in 1996, when she says she was forced to take drugs and have intimate relations with his ex, Kim Porter. Then, the final incident happened at the end of 2000, but she was able to refuse his advances. Combs has not commented on this latest filing and the accusations contained within.

The music mogul did admit that he beat Ventura in the video and apologized for his actions, saying he was “truly sorry” and that there was no excuse for his behavior. Several other women have filed lawsuits against Combs, alleging the same behavior as Lampros. Those are working their way through the court systems.

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