Sanders Would Rather Stay In Arkansas Than Return For Second Trump Term

( – When former President Donald Trump was in office, he appointed some notable conservatives to surround him. One of those was Sarah Huckabee Sanders, who was his White House press secretary from 2017 to 2019. She had also been part of his 2016 campaign, working as a senior adviser. Recent statements, however, indicate that should he win again this year, she will not seek a role in his administration.

On June 23, Sanders spoke with “Talk Business & Politics” about a plethora of topics. One of the questions was whether she’d entertain a role in the Trump administration. Sanders made it clear that she’s very happy where she’s at right now. In January 2023, she was inaugurated as Arkansas’ governor. She’s not only the youngest governor in the country, but she’s the first woman to lead her state.

Speaking of her current role, Sanders said she thinks that her administration is “doing really great things, and [she looks] forward to keeping [the governor position] for the next six and a half years.” That would mean she plans to run again in 2026.

Last November, Sanders said she supported Trump’s re-election bid, but earlier this year, she made it clear that she had no interest in being vetted as his vice presidential pick. In terms of the election this year, she “feel[s] very confident he’s going to win.” Yet, she acknowledges that this year will be “very different” considering both have established records in the White House already, but notes that the former president is honing in on “every single thing that voters actually care about.”

Trump and President Joe Biden held their first debate on June 27. Both parties had a chance to touch on the subjects that matter to voters, including hot-button topics like abortion and the border crisis. They both seemed to get off to a rocky start to the night. They will debate again on September 10.

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