Sandy Hook Families Want Judge To Liquidate Alex Jones’s Media Empire

( – In 2012, the Sandy Hook shooting rocked the country. The shooter killed 20 young children and six adults before killing himself. In the aftermath, Alex Jones, who owns a media company that includes InfoWars, repeatedly called the entire incident a hoax. The families of the victims sued and won a $1.5 billion judgment. Jones then filed to restructure his business. The plaintiffs in the case have now asked a judge to liquidate his empire so they can begin receiving the money they’re owed.

Bankruptcy Court Request

On Sunday, June 2, lawyers for the victims’ families filed an emergency motion in Houston’s US Bankruptcy Court. They allege that Jones’ media empire, Free Speech Systems, has “failed to demonstrate any hope of beginning to satisfy” the judgment against it. As such, the attorneys asked the judge to liquidate the company rather than restructure it. They firmly oppose the reorganization plans because they don’t show how he plans to pay the victims.

Jones apparently knew of the impending motion, because he went live on his web and radio show to warn his listeners and viewers that he expected the company to be shut down within a month or two. He referred to the lawyers and plaintiffs as “the enemy” and said, “At the end of the day, we’re going to beat these people.” Jones even spat out disparaging remarks about the restructuring officer assigned to his bankruptcy case.

Judge Denies Motion

On Monday, Bankruptcy Judge Christopher Lopez gave Jones’ company permission to continue operating for at least the next two weeks. He scheduled a hearing on June 14, at which time he plans to address the motion filed by the plaintiffs’ attorneys. Judge Lopez also ruled that Free Speech Systems could continue to pay wages for employees and other operating expenses until that time.

It’s not just the Sandy Hook victims’ families fighting Jones, either. A lawyer for PQPR Holdings Limited, which, ironically, Jones mostly owns, has fought to have his media empire shut down as well, alleging that the far-right conspiracy theorist owes the company millions in unpaid bills for nutritionist supplements that Jones sells. The families, however, are saying this debt—because Jones owns most of the company—is bogus and should not be held against what they are trying to collect.

If the court orders the liquidation of his assets, Jones could be forced to sell most of his belongings, which include his media empire and all of its assets. Those proceeds would go to his creditors, including the Sandy Hook families. Jones would not be forced to sell his home or personal belongings that fall under the umbrella of what’s protected under bankruptcy law.

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