Trump Takes Surprising Stance on Controversial Issue in Florida

Trump Takes Surprising Stance on Controversial Issue in Florida

Donald Trump has endorsed a move to legalize recreational marijuana in Florida, leaving many wondering how this will impact both the state and the nation.

At a Glance

  • Donald Trump expressed support for a Florida ballot initiative (Amendment 3) to legalize marijuana for adults.
  • Amendment 3 requires 60% approval from general-election voters in November to pass.
  • The initiative aims to allow state-licensed companies to sell marijuana for recreational use and permit possession of up to 3 ounces.
  • Trump argued against criminalizing marijuana possession in Florida, citing its legality in other states and the issue of fentanyl-laced marijuana.

Trump’s Endorsement for Legalization

The former President voiced his support for Amendment 3, a Florida ballot initiative that would legalize recreational marijuana for adults. Should Florida voters approve it this November, the state will join others that have embraced cannabis for personal use. The amendment requires a 60% voter approval to pass. Trump addressed the issue on his social media platform, Truth Social, telling followers that marijuana legalization “will happen.” He emphasized the need for responsible legislation to manage its public use effectively.

Trump criticized the current policies that criminalize marijuana possession, pointing out that such laws ruin lives and waste taxpayer dollars. “Someone should not be a criminal in Florida, when this is legal in so many other states,” Trump stated, highlighting the risk of fentanyl-laced marijuana as a significant concern.

Economic and Social Implications

Amendment 3, supported by Florida’s medical marijuana industry, would establish guidelines for 25 state-licensed companies to sell marijuana. It would permit possession of up to 3 ounces for personal use, though growing it independently will remain illegal. The medical marijuana industry already contributes more than $2 billion annually to Florida’s economy, and full legalization could drive further growth. Nationwide support for marijuana legalization is strong, with 88% of Americans in favor of either personal or medical use, according to public opinion polls.

Contrasting Views and Broader Impacts

Despite Trump’s endorsement, Florida Governor Ron DeSantis opposes Amendment 3. DeSantis has launched campaigns against the amendment, claiming it could lead to marijuana being brought to elementary schools, a statement for which he has not provided evidence. This stance is at odds with public opinion in Florida, which generally favors marijuana legalization.

Historical Context and Future Outlook

Trump’s backing is notable because his stance on marijuana has historically been mixed. While he appointed an anti-legalization attorney general, he has recently shifted to support state laws for cannabis. Trump’s current support highlights a significant departure from the traditional conservative stance on drug policy, potentially swaying both legislators and public opinion. The endorsement could influence similar measures in other states, such as South Dakota and North Dakota, which will also decide on similar referendums this November.

“We do not need to ruin lives and waste taxpayer dollars arresting adults with personal amounts of it on them, and no one should grieve a loved one because they died from fentanyl-laced marijuana,” Trump argued.

If Amendment 3 passes, it will allow adults over 21 to buy and use marijuana without a medical card, building on the medical marijuana industry’s existing framework. The amendment’s passage would represent a significant shift in Florida’s regulatory environment, reflecting changing social attitudes towards cannabis use.


Trump’s support for Amendment 3 could be a turning point for marijuana legalization in Florida and beyond. His remarks have placed the issue front and center, potentially swaying voters and shaping future drug policies at both state and federal levels. As the November election approaches, Floridians and the nation will be closely watching to see if this landmark proposal passes.

“Whether people like it or not, this will happen through the approval of the voters,” Trump said. “So it should be done correctly.”

