Warning Shots Fired As North Korean Soldiers Cross Border

(NewsSpace.com) – Tensions between North and South Korea have existed for decades. Supreme Leader Kim Jong-un’s regime has threatened its neighbor, which has diplomatic ties with the United States, several times over the past few years. The two recently engaged in an exchange of sorts, where the South sent propaganda materials to the North, which retaliated by sending balloons full of waste. Now, things have escalated a bit.

On Tuesday, June 18, the South Korean military fired warning shots at North Korean forces who briefly crossed the shared border, reportedly “carrying work tools.” This incident marks the second time in two weeks that the North has ventured across the military demarcation line. After the South fired warning shots, the soldiers returned to their side, and there was no further engagement. South Korean officials believe it wasn’t intentional or meant as an escalation.

The previous incident took place on Sunday, June 9. It’s suspected that construction work is the cause of the border violations. South Korean troops fired warning shots that time, as well.

The incidents have impeccable timing. Russian President Vladimir Putin visited the country on June 18, to meet with Kim. The two ended up signing a defense agreement the next day, pledging mutual defense should either country come under attack. The deal includes political, military, and economic cooperation from both sides. The countries’ delegations spoke for around 90 minutes, and then Kim and Putin spoke directly for approximately two hours, per NBC News.

Kim has made it clear he supports Russia’s war on Ukraine and his country has already supplied munitions, including millions of artillery shells, to Russia, helping it continue its aggressions on its neighbor, which has largely relied upon support from the West.

Putin spoke out after signing the defense pact, saying it was “a truly breakthrough document.” Kim noted it was a peace agreement that elevated the two nations’ relations to the next level: an alliance.

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