Woman Sues After Hot Tea Injury On Flight

(NewsSpace.com) – In 1992, 79-year-old Stella Liebeck was in a McDonald’s drive-thru when her hot coffee spilled on her lap, scalding her skin. She then sued the fast-food company and was awarded $3 million. Now, an airline passenger has filed a lawsuit against JetBlue, alleging she was burned when hot tea spilled on her mid-air.

On June 24, Tahjana Lewis filed a complaint alleging that flight attendants served hot tea amid ongoing turbulence, while the seatbelt signs were engaged. On May 15, she was flying from Orlando, Florida, to Hartford, Connecticut, and was seated in the row behind the passenger who ordered the beverage. Because of the turbulence, the hot tea splashed onto Lewis, giving her “severe” and “disfiguring” burns on several parts of her body, including her chest, arm, buttocks, and legs. Graphic images of the injuries show skin peeling away from Lewis’ body.

The complaint states that the airline served the tea “at a temperature that was unreasonably and dangerously hot beyond what is accepted in the food service industry or airline industry.” As a result of her injuries, her lawyer, Edward Jazlowiecki, said she suffered from at least second-degree burns, possibly third-degree burns, and will likely need skin grafts. He also blasted the airline for not doing anything to help her with the injuries mid-flight. According to the complaint, staff did not ask if there was a doctor on board, divert the flight, or offer any assistance until she was off the plane.

Following the incident, the complaint states Lewis is suffering “mental anguish, anxiety and post-traumatic stress.” Additionally, her five-year-old child was next to her when this happened and it was traumatic for them to witness the incident.

Lewis is seeking $1.5 million in damages for emotional distress and to cover her medical costs associated with the care she needs to receive to treat the burns.

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