World Food Program Needs $19 Million for Afghan Earthquake Victims

( – On Saturday, October 7, Afghanistan was rocked by a 6.3-magnitude earthquake that flattened villages, killing thousands and injuring many more. Then, making matters worse, more tremors shook the nation eight days later, on Sunday, October 15. The United Nations immediately responded, and now it is calling for millions of dollars in aid.

The World Food Program (WFP) is asking for $19 million to help approximately 100,000 people in the country who were affected by the earthquakes. In a statement, the organization said, “disasters like these … pound communities [that] are already barely able to feed themselves… into utter destitution.” Survivors need a lot of assistance. Many lost their homes completely when the tremors shook their mud huts to the ground. They’re now sleeping in tents and sleeping bags, even those whose houses are still standing because they fear more damage.

The WFP pointed out that winter in the country is just weeks away, and those who lost their homes will need assistance for the next several months. However, funding shortfalls are preventing the organization from helping those who need it the most. It has already had to cut assistance to 10 million Afghans because it didn’t have the money to sustain the aid. The $19 million would go towards emergency food assistance, but the WFP says it also needs approximately $400 million to get these people through the winter. It is urging people to send in donations to help the organization reach its goals.

In the aftermath of the tragedies, countries have seemingly been reluctant to send aid due to the country’s government, the Taliban. However, Iran, China, and Pakistan have pledged to send funds, blankets, tents, food, and medications. Türkiye has also said it was willing to provide support. The United Nations has also approved an emergency reserve allocation of $5 million, which will come out of the Afghanistan Humanitarian Fund.

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