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Dershowitz Slams Obama for Not Condemning Hamas Sooner

( - On the morning of October 7, the terrorist group Hamas launched a devastating attack on Israel, hitting the country by land, sea,...

Safety Advocates Issue Warning After Toddlers Drown In Daycare Pool

( - Every year, nearly 400 children die in pools in the United States, with thousands more experiencing non-fatal injuries related to drowning. Homeowners...

Former Intelligence Officer Accused of Trying To Give Secrets To China

( - In order to gain an intelligence position within the US military, one has to meet a series of exhausting criteria to obtain...

Biden’s Dog Removed From White House After Biting Incidents

( - When a new president moves into the White House, they often bring their beloved family pets with them or adopt one while...

The Reality of Nasal Cripple Syndrome

( - There are many diseases and afflictions out there, some so rare that few people have heard of them. That's the case with...

One Dead, Three Wounded in Officer-Involved Shooting Over Video Game

( - Competitions, even those surrounding video games, can lead to some high emotions and arguments. Sometimes, they even result in violence. Such was...

Swimming World Cup Removes Open Category for Trans Athletes Due to a Lack of...

( - There's been a long history of debate surrounding transgender people and participating in sports aligned with their specified gender. Many people have...

Taxpayers Boost Salaries, Cover Losses at Amtrak

( - Congress passed the Rail Passenger Service Act in 1970, which laid the framework for the creation of Amtrak in 1971. It played...
Assassination Classroom Reported in Controversial School

Elementary Educator Jailed for Allegedly Teaching While Inebriated

( - Teachers have a really big responsibility to teach today's youth and set a good example when they're in front of the class....

Russian Anti-War Journalist, Marina Ovsyannikova, Sentenced in Absentia

( - When Russia invaded Ukraine in February 2022, there were a lot of opponents who spoke out against the move. Most Russians, however,...

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